Call for Nominations – Vice President

The North Texas AATG Chapter is seeking nominations for our Vice President officer position. You may self-nominate. This person will serve a two-year term, and then becomes the president for two years. The president and vice-president alternate between K-12 affiliation and Higher Ed affiliation. The new incoming Vice-President will need to have a K-12 affiliation, since our incoming President comes from Higher Ed.

Per the Chapter Office Handbook:

The Chapter Vice-President or President-Elect must be familiar with all the responsibilities of the president and ready to preside when called upon. The vice-president/president-elect performs other duties as directed by the president and as outlined in the chapter’s constitution.

Voters and nominees must be current paid members.

Nominations must come from the K-12 field.

Have someone in mind or interested yourself? Please email President Dr. Amy Anderton with the following information:

  • Name
  • Title
  • Organization e.g. school district
  • Short biography paragraph

The winner will be announced at the (virtual) Annual Meeting on September 18th and votes will be allowed up to the meeting time.