Join AATG North Texas for a professional immersion day! A day for the German-speaking community to gather and connect with students interested in using German in their future careers.
Gesprächsthemen Unter Agenda gelistet.
Target Audience We welcome all students 18+, professionals and friends of German. Sessions will be led in German.
Proficiency Level Suggested ACTFL Proficiency Standard Intermediate or higher (B1.1 or higher).
Mittagessen Mittagessen von Corner Bakery wird angeboten. Vegetarisches Gericht auch angeboten.
Event cost: $10.00 for all participants |
Registration Deadline: Saturday, March 26, 2022. |
Location and Time
Saturday, April 2, 2022, from 10am to 2pm.
University of Dallas – Gorman Hall
Musikszene, Politik, und Werbung in deutschsprachigen Ländern.